This morning on my walk I specifically looked at the colours and took pictures to capture them. I also collected some things from the forest which I will press and add to my sketchbook to record the colours I saw today. I made an effort to collect a range of items which I felt were representative of the colours I was seeing.
The weather was windy with a light drizzle so the colours were drab, mainly browns and dark greens with the odd area of lighter green in grassy areas.
Here is the video which I took mainly for the sound recording:
The main sound you can hear is the wind in the trees, there are also sounds of various birds, the creaking of a tree as it moves in the wind and the background low hum of distant traffic which is hard to distinguish from the wind in the trees.
I photographed my collection before the colours change when dried:
I took some pictures to give an idea of the colours:
I notes that lots of the pine tree trunks look darker due to the train. They go almost black when wet.
It will be interesting to re-photograph these in a couple of weeks when they are all dry and see how the colours have changed.